Greece, Mercedes-Benz O405N2 # 21
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  GreeceMercedes-Benz O405N2 # 21 
Greece, Κέρκυρα, Κρατικός Αερολιμένας
As for the 405s, they strongly resemble the Arriva København series (bounce-open center door, VDO FAP console, suburban seating arrangement, 4 seats in the "slaughterhouse" are foldable, ZF 4HP500 Ecomat gearbox and these specific Danish displays). It is possible that they are the Lublin's brothers 2268-2277. Only the air conditioning does not fit, but I have the impression that they have already installed it in Corfu. I was inside this vehicle, the driver allowed me in but refused to take photos.

Author: kt4dt           Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020

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License: Copyright ©
Published 25.04.2022 17:33 MSK
Views — 310

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Model:iPhone 8
Exposure Time:1/2558 sec
Aperture Value:1.8
ISO Speed:20
Focal Length:3.99 mm
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