FotobusBus Transport

Moscow region, Haargaz 111 # У 219 ОР 190

  Moscow regionChekhov, other buses У 219 ОР 19001.201209.2015
Other service and charter buses М 622 ВС 150201001.2012
MAP-5 Chehov PATP107АТ 901 5011.20062010
В 339 МР 5006.200111.2006

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307 KB

Moscow region, Одинцовский район, деревня Сколково

Sunday, May 11, 2014
Author: AlexB

287 KB

Moscow region, Одинцовский район, деревня Сколково

Saturday, April 26, 2014
Author: AlexB

349 KB

Moscow, Большая Филевская улица

Monday, May 14, 2012
Author: AlexB


  January 2012    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

476 KB

Moscow, Большая Филевская улица

Monday, April 2, 2012
Author: A G


  2010    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

106 KB

Moscow, у метро "Тёплый Стан"
Route 427 Ваулово — Москва (м. Теплый Стан) (not on the route)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Author: Bimbula


  November 2006    Change of state number (within the company)

  June 2001    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
107 АТ 901 50 Haargaz 111 ChPATP
107 АН 519 50 Ikarus 256.74 BrPATP 2346 1988
107 Х 035 НЕ 50 Ikarus 256.74 BrPATP 2346 1988
107 О 914 КМ 198 Ikarus 260.51F Retroline 23 1997
107 АЕ 729 50 PAZ-3205-110 RAT-Lot 390 1998
107 ВВ 059 50 LiAZ-5256.00-11 EPATP 5090 1999
107 Т 519 МА 90 LiAZ-5256.00-11 EPATP 5090 1999
107 Р 964 НВ 50 LiAZ-5256.00-11 EPATP 5090 1999
107 Т 663 НЕ 50 GAZ-3285 (X6N) AK 1375 1203 2000
107 ЕР 121 50 GolAZ-525110-10 "Voyage" AK 1790 158 2013
107 В 230 ВУ 790 PAZ-320445-04 "Vector Next" AK 1796 3191 2017
107 Н 148 РУ 750 PAZ-320445-04 "Vector Next" AK 1796 3191 2017
У 219 ОР 190 Haargaz 111 Krasnogorsk, otheк 1985