Bus Transport |
Saint Petersburg, JAC HK6120 # 5641
Region | Facility | # | Plate | Since... | To... | Remarks |
Saint Petersburg | "West-Service", LLC; "Piteravto", LLC | 5641 | У 415 ЕК 178 | 05.2018 | 11.2021 | ООО "Вест-Сервис", Энергетиков |
Leningrad region | "Piteravto" (LCC) - branch in Priozersk | 12.2016 | 2017 | Сосновская площадка |
Vologda region | Piteravto | 09.2016 | 12.2016 | ООО "Авто-Экспресс-4" |
Saint Petersburg | "West-Service", LLC; "Piteravto", LLC | 01.2016 | 09.2016 | ООО "Питеравто", Колпино |
"State Transport Leasing Company", PJSC | | В 094 СО 47 | 09.2013 | 01.2016 | |
"Piteravto", withdrawn from service buses | 5641 | 01.2013 | 09.2013 | Грузомобиль |
"Lenoblpassagirautotrans", LLC | 087 | 09.2011 | 01.2013 | На маршруте 579 |
"NextBus-Piter", LLC | 068 | 08.2011 | 09.2011 | |
Secondary photos (1): hide / show
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Technical photos (0): hide / show
↑ November 2021 Withdrawn
Saint Petersburg, Проспект Большевиков Route 579 Приладожский — Санкт-Петербург
Friday, June 19, 2020 Author: NP
¤ |
Leningrad region, Всеволожский район, Мурино, Привокзальная площадь Route 859 Приозерск — Мурино
Wednesday, July 3, 2019 Author: NP
¤ |
↑ 2017 — May 2018 Renumbered (within the company)
↑ December 2016 Renumbered (within the company)
Vologda region, Вологда, автовокзал Route 707 Вологда — Великий Устюг
Saturday, October 1, 2016 Author: Denis
¤ |
↑ September 2016 Renumbered (within the company)
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Author: KLF-74
¤ |
Manufacturer placard VIN
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Author: KLF-74
¤ |
↑ January 2016 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ September 2013 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ January 2013 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ September 2011 Sent to other company (or to the factory)
↑ August 2011 Arrived at the facility
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Other vehicles with the same number:
# |
Plate |
Model |
Facility |
Ser.# |
Built |
Scrp. |
Remarks |
5641 |
В 855 НМ 78 |
Ikarus 260.37 |
AP № 5 |
2153 |
1986 |
5641 |
5641 ЛОО |
Ikarus 260.37 |
AP № 5 |
2153 |
1986 |
Учебная кабина |
087 |
В 247 ХО 78 |
GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) |
Marshrutnoe Taxi |
237585 |
2001 |
11.2013 |
На маршруте К-45 |
087 |
В 167 СО 78 |
GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) |
Marshrutnoe Taxi |
237585 |
2001 |
11.2013 |
На маршруте К-45 |
087 |
В 050 ТВ 78 |
GAZ-3261 (X89-BA8) |
Balticstar |
670 |
2002 |
На маршруте К-212 |
068 |
В 228 АТ 178 |
Nizhegorodets-2227UT (IVECO Daily) |
477 |
2010 |
На маршруте К-124 |
068 |
В 228 АТ 178 |
Nizhegorodets-2227UT (IVECO Daily) |
Shpunt,rented |
477 |
2010 |
На маршруте К-124 |
087 |
В 235 АТ 178 |
Nizhegorodets-2227UT (IVECO Daily) |
462 |
2010 |
На маршруте К-309 |
068 |
В 731 СН 47 |
JAC HK6120 |
103556 |
2011 |
На маршруте 574 |
087 |
В 116 СО 47 |
JAC HK6120 |
NextBus |
103440 |
2011 |