FotobusBus Transport

Finland, VDL Citea LLE-120.255 # 211

  FinlandOy Pohjolan Liikenne Ab211UYS-52409.2014

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Finland, Espoo, Vuorimiehentie
Route 52

Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Author: joukkoliikenne_8.6

335 KB

Finland, Imatra, Imatrankoskentie

Thursday, August 8, 2019
Author: Александр Стаканов


  September 2014    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
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211 KUY-918 Volvo 8700BLE Connex Finland P030090 2003
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211 CJS-616 Mercedes-Benz Tourismo II K 11RH LSL 267265 2015
211 XRZ-550 Scania Interlink HD Koskilinjat 418600 706 2016
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