FotobusBus Transport

Finland, Wiima M100 # BNT-975

  FinlandDifferent cities BNT-9751990 Laten Auto
Apu Munne UEE-52802.19881990 
Sipoon Liikenne Oy33503.197602.1988 
Oy Liikenne Ab27007.197503.1976 

  1990    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  February 1988    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  March 1976    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  July 1975    Arrived at the facility

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270 XEY-671 Kabus TC-4A4/6450 Koskilinjat 4141 2008
335 FLH-101 Volvo 9700HD NG Savonlinja 2009
335 NIN-609 Volvo 8900LE Vekka Liikenne P123445 2012
270 IMR-667 VDL Citea XLE-145.310 Pohjolan Liikenne 2016
335 FNU-405 Scania Citywide LE Suburban Koiviston Auto 421943 369 2019