FotobusBus Transport

Denmark, Neoplan P10 N2216SHDC Tourliner SHDC # 117

  DenmarkAbildskou A/S, Århus117CU 93 79808.2021
  BavariaMAN Truck & Bus Deutschland GmbH M-NP 218510.2018

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  August 2021    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

250 KB

Interior, view to front

В средней части салона очень большой блок с кухонным оборудованием.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Author: Иван Войтешонок

267 KB

Interior, view to back

Задняя часть салона со "столом для заседаний".

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Author: Иван Войтешонок

331 KB

Lower SaxonyIAA Nutzfahrzeuge 2018

Lower Saxony, Hannover, Messegelände

Neoplan Tourliner C (new 2-axle edition)
Design by Klebebande Berlin, all made with duct tape

Thursday, September 20, 2018
Author: 9122_DA


  October 2018    Arrived at the facility

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