FotobusBus Transport

Lower Saxony, Volkswagen Crafter # 9

  Lower SaxonySonnenschein GmbH9H-MK 275

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
9 DEL-EW 93 MAN 081 750 HO-M 11 Delbus 1967
9 MAN 196 SD200 Serengeti-Park 442 1978 Safari-Bus
9 CE-DP 809 MAN 193 SÜ240 KVC Celle 1660 1979
9 HM-P 3 Mercedes-Benz O305 KVG Hameln ✝ 22956 1980
9 LG-EJ 409 MAN 193 SÜ240 OHE Celle ✝ 2453 1981
9 LG-EJ 409 MAN 193 SÜ240 VOG Celle 2453 1981
9 BRA-AJ 999 MAN 791 SL202 VBW Nordenham 1990
9 NOH-C 609 MAN A10 NL202 NVB Nordhorn 31 1992
9 NOM-NE 9 Mercedes-Benz O407 Ilmebahn 84410 1996
9 HE-ET 1009 Mercedes-Benz O530LEÜ Citaro facelift LE Ü Elm Tours 119193 2009 Operating for KVG Braunschweig