FotobusBus Transport

Krasnoyarsk region, Wiima K200 # АА 166 24

  Krasnoyarsk regionKrasnoyarsk: prochie marshrutnye avtobusy АА 166 2410.2004 
 У 069 ЕВ 2405.199810.2004
  FinlandJyväskylän Liikenne Oy402HME-27203.199310.1997
Koiviston Auto Oy32602.199203.1993
Lahden Linjat 10.197902.1992


  October 2004    Change of state number (within the company)

  October 1997 — May 1998    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  March 1993    Renumbered (within the company)

  February 1992    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  October 1979    Arrived at the facility

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326 KGJ-126 Carrus Fifty 320 STA 1479 1994
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326 OGZ-983 Carrus Star 502 Gold Line 148767 1998
326 FEF-626 BUSiness Pohjolan Matka 1999
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326 SHA-610 Ikarus EAG E95.08 Savonlinja 199 2002
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402 NEY-542 Lahti Scala JL 54602 2002
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326 HMF-381 Ikarus EAG E94.16 Transdev Finland 214 2004
326 HMF-381 Ikarus EAG E94.16 Connex Finland 214 2004
326 HMF-381 Ikarus EAG E94.16 Veolia Finland 214 2004
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326 RUE-927 Scania OmniLink II Koiviston Auto 413630 2008 to Estonia
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402 KUB-765 Yutong E15 Pohjolan Liikenne 4379 2020
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