FotobusBus Transport

Switzerland, Hess # 62

  SwitzerlandTransports publics fribourgeois (TPF)62FR 60319722000

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Switzerland, Fribourg
Route 5

Author Mega Anorak

June 1986
Posted by reshz


  1972    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
62 FR 655 Ramseier & Jenzer TPF Fribourg 1988
62 BE 452462 Ramseier & Jenzer STI 1988
62 AG 60319 MAN 895 NL202 RVBW Baden 173 1990
62 SO 6650 Mercedes-Benz O405N BSU 75139 1993
62 BL 7683 Setra S315NF AAGL Liestal 1380 2001
62 FR 300360 Volvo 8700LE TPF Fribourg 2009
62 BL 7160 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro facelift BLT Baselland 2010
62 ZH 724524 MAN A21 Lion's City NL323 ATE Bus 2015 Operating for Verkehrsbetriebe Glattal
62 SG 187255 MAN 12C Lion's City 12 NL330 EfficientHybrid BUS Ostschweiz 5349 2021 RTB Rheintal Bus
62 AG 5891 Mercedes-Benz eCitaro RVBW Baden 2023
382 FR 603 Mercedes-Benz O530 Citaro TPF Fribourg 96781 2000