FotobusBus Transport

Odessa region, Bogdan A09201 # 7318

  Odessa regionPJSK "Sever Trans"7318AH 0433 OH01.2021 127
2403BH 1731 IC11.201910.2020240
VIRAGE 10.201811.2019175
 BH 3348 AA03.201410.2018146
Europe 09.200902.2014
company limited liability "Express"306BH 3427 AA07.20092009 
BH 3289 AA09.20082009148
BH 3056 AA02.200809.2008
BH 0697 AA08.200502.2008280

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558 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога (7-я станция)
Route 127

Friday, November 19, 2021
Author: alexander1

409 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Пантелеймоновская улица
Route 127

Saturday, April 10, 2021
Author: ariss_ka


  January 2021    Renumbered (within the company)

  October 2020    Change of state number (within the company)

401 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Николаевская дорога, "Молодая гвардия"
Route 240

Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Author: ariss_ka

  November 2019    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

481 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Итальянский бульвар
Route 175

Sunday, March 31, 2019
Author: ariss_ka

352 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Водопроводная улица / Итальянский бульвар
Route 175

Sunday, March 31, 2019
Author: ariss_ka

401 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Пушкинская улица
Route 175

Sunday, March 31, 2019
Author: ariss_ka


  October 2018    Change of state number (within the company)

312 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога (1-я станция)
Route 175

Thursday, September 20, 2018
Author: Alex-Od

316 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Итальянский бульвар
Route 175

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Author: Alex-Od

310 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Водопроводная улица / Пантелеймоновская улица
Route 175

Thursday, June 8, 2017
Author: Alex-Od

319 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Ришельевская улица
Route 175

Thursday, June 1, 2017
Author: Alex-Od

318 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Итальянский бульвар
Route 175

Sunday, February 21, 2016
Author: ariss_ka

342 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Среднефонтанская улица / Привокзальная площадь
Route 175

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Author: Alex-Od

282 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Среднефонтанская улица
Route 175

Saturday, April 18, 2015
Author: Alex-Od

305 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Водопроводная улица
Route 175

Monday, April 21, 2014
Author: Alex-Od


  February 2014 — March 2014    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

291 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Преображенская улица
Route 146

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Author: ariss_ka

347 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, площадь 10 Апреля

Friday, August 26, 2011
Author: Вечный Ёж

216 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, Преображенская улица
Route 146

Monday, April 5, 2010
Author: ariss_ka


  2009 — September 2009    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

331 KB

Odessa region,  Bogdan A09201  # 215 

Odessa region, Одесса, автобусный парк "Север Транс"

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Author: ariss_ka


  2009 — July 2009    Change of state number (within the company)

  September 2008    Change of state number (within the company)

237 KB

Odessa region, Одесса, площадь Толбухина
Route 148

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Author: ariss_ka


  February 2008    Change of state number (within the company)

  August 2005    Arrived at the facility

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1515 237-31 ОВ GAZ-2705 Sever Trans 185902 2000
306 008-71 ОА PAZ-3205-110 auto park of film st 3618 2002 191
306 034-14 ОА PAZ-3205-110 auto park of film st 3618 2002 168
306 403-98 ОВ PAZ-3205-110 auto park of film st 3618 2002 168, 235
1515 BH 1612 AA Bogdan A091.1 Sever Trans 886 2003 241
2403 478-71 ОВ PAZ-3205-110 Sever Trans 2505 2003
7318 BH 4113 AA Bogdan A091 Sever Trans 187 2004
1515 BH 7454 BX BAZ-A079.04 "Etalon" Sever Trans 1146 2005 242
2403 BH 3658 AA BAZ-A079.04 "Etalon" Sever Trans 876 2005 240
7318 BH 5166 IA Bogdan A09201 (LuAZ) Sever Trans 424 2005 127
1515 BH 7963 HM Bogdan A09201 Sever Trans 283 2005 2021 242
1515 BH 9584 PC BAZ-A079.04 "Etalon" Sever Trans 1745 2006 242
2403 BH 9515 CM BAZ-A079.04 "Etalon" Sever Trans 2099 2006
2403 BH 4116 HM BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 2753 2006 240
306 BH 4005 AA BAZ-A079.04 "Etalon" Tourist 2039 2006 197
2403 BH 1898 CM BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 2753 2006 240
306 BH 2959 AA HAZ-3250.02 Third autobus park 2007
7318 BH 3025 AA Ruta 43 Sever Trans 16 2007 127
1515 BH 2627 AA BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 3935 2007 242
1515 BH 3255 KB BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 4791 2007 242
306 BH 2886 AA GalAZ-3207.05 "Victoria" Third autobus park 42 2007 120
7318 BH 2771 AA HAZ-3250.02 Sever Trans 367 2007 127
7318 BH 5587 AI I-VAN A07A1-30 Sever Trans 303 2007 127
2403 BH 3693 AA BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 4649 2007 170
7318 AB 7987 AT BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 5835 2008 127
1515 BH 3700 AA BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 7802 2010 242
1515 BH 1090 HH BAZ-A079.14 "Prolisok" Sever Trans 8865 08.2011 242