FotobusBus Transport

Saint Petersburg, Lahti 31 # 105

  Saint Petersburg"TT-Line", LLC (Alexey N. Tsitsvarin)105С 599 ВС 7801.20022005
  FinlandKuopion Liikenne Oy102APN-97219912001
Sipoon Liikenne Oy34519821991

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  2005    Withdrawn

173 KB

Saint Petersburg, Проспект Пятилеток
Route К-161

Sunday, February 8, 2004
Author: EIjas

  2001 — January 2002    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1991    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  1982    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
105 5449 ЛЕА Ikarus 256.54 Autobase Tourist 1983
345 ASO-674 Wiima M303 STA 5872 1983
102 AXU-102 Wiima K200 Espoon Auto 6261 1985
102 AXU-102 Wiima K200 Stagecoach Finland 6261 1985
345 AUS-445 Wiima M353 Hj. Holmstrom 6170 1985
102 IAA-102 Wiima M500 Finlandia Paunu 6602 1987
345 EKA-745 Wiima M310 Combi Stagecoach Finland 6864 1988
102 RFL-807 Wiima K202 STA 7397 1991
102 JBM-428 Wiima K202 Liikenne 7612 1993
102 LCY-984 Carrus Vector Muurinen 1655 1995
102 YAY-302 Lahti 400 Pohjolan Liikenne 1995
102 EGT-445 Säffle System 2000 Savonlinja 1996
102 HIE-102 Carrus K204 City L TuKL 8111 1997
105 К 029 ТС 98 PAZ-3205-110 Other closed firms 8621 1998
102 LIB-721 Lahti 560 Eagle Lauttakylän 937-98 1998
102 JCZ-146 Lahti 520 Flyer Vainion Liikenne 1999
102 JCO-785 HP-Kori Korsisaari 1999
105 В 131 ОЕ 78 АТС-3246 "Iritobus" Autobase Tourist 18 1999 На маршруте К-90
345 UIO-545 Lahti 560 Eagle Pohjolan Matka 444-01 2001
102 EZF-194 Carrus K204 City L HelB 8671 2001
102 JEM-802 Carrus Vega City Koskilinjat 8612 2001
105 АК 380 78 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Autobase Tourist 291528 2002 На маршруте К-90
345 AZN-650 Ikarus EAG E94.06 Nobina Finland 124 2002
105 АМ 324 78 LAZ A1414 "Liner-9" Marshrutnoe Taxi 41 2002
105 В 452 ТР 78 LAZ A1414 "Liner-9" Marshrutnoe Taxi 41 2002
105 У 807 ЕВ 78 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Autobase Tourist 291528 2002 На маршруте К-90
102 BZT-811 Lahti Scala Uusimaa, others 622-03 2003 Oy Mi-Card Ab (
102 TVF-418 Lahti Scala Kuopion 724-03 2003
105 АА 205 78 GAZ-322132 (XTH, X96) Balticstar 310740 2003 На маршруте К-401
345 YFG-845 Kabus TC-6Z3/7300 Koiviston Auto 117 2003
102 GFG-102 Volvo 9700H Paunu 2840 2003
345 CYK-183 Ikarus EAG E94.17 Transdev Finland 233 2004
105 В 364 ВТ 98 NefAZ-5299-10-30 West-Service 60 2004
102 FGX-502 Kabus TC-6Z3/7300 Satakunnan 142 2005
102 FGX-502 Kabus TC-6Z3/7300 Lauttakylän 142 2005
102 FHG-200 Lahti Scala Kuopion 976-05 2005
102 CLV-765 Volvo 8700 Oulaisten Liikenne P090231 2009
102 GIX-791 Scania OmniExpress 360 Pohjolan Matka 414935 882 2010
105 В 709 ВА 178 PAZ-320402-03 ATP-31 821 2010 ОАО "АТП-31", Сабировская
105 В 216 АТ 178 Nizhegorodets-2227UT (IVECO Daily) SNW 536 2010 На маршруте К-142
105 В 921 СО 47 PAZ-320402-05 Bars-2 1042 2011
105 В 123 СН 47 Heke JAC HK6120 LOPAT 103293 2011 На маршруте 850д
105 В 105 МХ 178 Heke JAC HK6120 NextBus 104295 2011
105 В 756 МК 178 MAZ-203.067 SLC/Panteon 631 2012
345 JIS-727 Lahti Scala Koiviston Auto 667-13 2013
102 FLM-402 Volvo 8900BLE Länsilinjat P141451 2014
102 CKX-102 Volvo 8900BLE TKL 2017
102 XVU-379 Bus Factory Tourist Line Savonlinja 2019
102 ZNE-747 Scania Citywide LE Suburban OTP 2020
102 YXM-890 Yutong E15 Muurinen 2021
102 LRV-329 Yutong E15 LSL 16005 2022
102 YXM-842 Yutong E12 (ZK6128BEVG) Koiviston Auto 21833 2023