FotobusBus Transport

Saint Petersburg, ZiL-158V # 3158

  Saint PetersburgAutobus park № 3315866-69 ЛЕО197006.1976

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Saint Petersburg,  Ikarus 556  # 3453   —  route 97 (not on the route)

Saint Petersburg, Автобусная станция "Троицкое поле"
Route 4 (not on the route)

February 1976
Author: makvn

  1970    Arrived at the facility

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# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Remarks
3158 АН 052 78 LiAZ-5256.26 Piteravto, non-route 14703 2005 Сосново
3158 АН 052 78 LiAZ-5256.26 Piteravto SPb 14703 2005 ООО "Питеравто", Колпино
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