FotobusBus Transport

Finland, Volvo 7900E # 310

  FinlandLänsilinjat Liikenne Oy310JTO-58008.2022

  August 2022    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
310 MCJ-653 Ajokki 5000D Savonlinja 9269 1979
310 HTL-770 Wiima K201 Koiviston Auto 6146 1985
310 UTT-385 Lahti 320 Sipoon Liikenne 1985
310 AVU-310 Wiima M353 Hj. Holmstrom 6173 1985
310 BFB-401 Setra S210HD Savonlinja 30417 1990
310 LGF-866 Carrus Fifty Concordia Bus 1488 1994
310 GBV-894 Lahti 560 Eagle Gold Line 1997
310 VIT-575 Lahti 560 Eagle STA 1999
310 CIJ-267 Scania OmniLink I Koiviston Auto 12.2000
310 FFJ-919 Lahti Scala Koiviston Auto 493-02 2002
310 IOG-982 Lahti Scala HelB 696-03 2003
310 VOG-523 Lahti Scala Transdev Finland 80304 2004
310 VOG-523 Lahti Scala Veolia Finland 80304 2004
310 VOG-523 Lahti Scala Connex Finland 80304 2004
310 JHK-563 Kabus TC-4A4/6450 Koiviston Auto 4139 2008
310 UBG-837 Volvo 8700LE Koskilinjat P084682 2008
310 CHJ-532 Irisbus Crossway LE 12.8M Vekka Liikenne 7463 2009