FotobusBus Transport

Finland, Volvo 8700 # 96

  FinlandLehtimäen Liikenne Oy96EMT-94606.20142020
  NorwayNobina Norge AS0077DK 8408212.200906.2014
Concordia Buss Norge AS10.200912.2009
Norgesbuss AS018807.200710.2009
Norgesbuss Bærum AS18807.200407.2007

  2020    Withdrawn

  June 2014    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  December 2009    Renumbered (within the company)

  October 2009    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  July 2007    Renumbered (within the company)

  July 2004    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Scrp. Remarks
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96 ONO-196 (other models) Pohjola 1985
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96 NAM-366 Delta Superstar Pohjolan Matka 147950 1992
96 AGO-560 Lahti 431 Falcon Porvoon 676-95 1995
96 GFR-196 Jonckheere Mistral 70 Pekolan Liikenne 24036 1996
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96 JCM-896 Lahti 402L Koskilinjat 1998
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96 FGS-690 Lahti Scala Kuopion 2004
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96 STG-996 Volvo 9700H Pohjolan Matka 6136 2005
96 FHP-343 Lahti Scala Paunu 167-06 2006
96 XEY-396 Volvo 8700LE Länsilinjat 3675 2007
96 HMI-825 Lahti Scala TuKL 276-07 2007
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188 SU 64075 Mercedes-Benz Integro II Nobina Norge 101490 2008
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96 CHP-976 Lahti Scala Koskilinjat 8308 2011
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