FotobusBus Transport

Estonia, Carrus K204 City L # 953 BCM

  EstoniaNarva Bussiveod AS 953 BCM20122013
 964 BCM08.20102012
  FinlandTransdev Finland Oy108JBM-26612.200608.2010
Vantaan Liikenne Oy09.199412.2006

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  2013    Withdrawn

249 KB

Estonia, Narva, Vaivara tänav
Route 20

Thursday, October 4, 2012
Author: Артём Дмитренко


  2012    Change of state number (within the company)

247 KB

Estonia, Narva, Tallinna maantee
Route 37

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Author: Артём Дмитренко

249 KB

Estonia, Narva, Rahu tänav
Route 37

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Author: Сергей Якунин

222 KB

Estonia, Ida-Virumaa, AÜ Svetofor
Route 37

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Author: Сергей Якунин


  August 2010    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  December 2006    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  September 1994    Arrived at the facility

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108 VVT-170 VDL Bova Futura FHD-127.365 Vainion Liikenne 1020098 2011
108 MNH-629 Volvo 9700H NG Paunu 1271-3 2013
108 IMB-486 Cento Bus Länsilinjat 2015
108 GLP-183 Volvo 9700S UG Pohjolan Liikenne 1449-1 2015
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108 JKM-813 Volvo 8900BLE LSL 2017
108 ZMJ-208 Volvo 8900BLE TKL 2018
108 ZNE-753 Scania Citywide LE Suburban OTP 423129 121 2020
108 ZOC-256 Automet Savonlinja 2022
108 CRH-975 Yutong E15 Koiviston Auto 21898 2023
953 BCM Carrus K204 City L NBV 7745 1994