FotobusBus Transport

Yaroslavl region, PAZ-4234 # 54

  Yaroslavl regionGavrilov-Yamsky filial AO "Yaroslavskoe ATP"54Е 643 ВН 7602.2017 
GP YaO "Gavrilov-Yamskoe ATP" (Closed) 02.201201.2016

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  February 2017    Renumbered (within the company)

  January 2016    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

339 KB

Yaroslavl region, Гаврилов-Ям, автовокзал
Route 2 Автовокзал — Улица Ленина (Гагарино)

Monday, May 19, 2014
Author: K.Mishin

340 KB

Yaroslavl region, Гаврилов-Ям, автовокзал
Route 2 Автовокзал — Улица Ленина (Гагарино)

Monday, May 19, 2014
Author: K.Mishin

254 KB

Yaroslavl region, Ярославль, Красная площадь

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Author: Макс И


  February 2012    Arrived at the facility

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54 Ikarus 620 RybPATP-1
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54 7659 ЯРН Ikarus 280.48 RybPATP-1 3645 1988
54 В 361 НН 76 LiAZ-5256.30 YaTK 12191 2004
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54 ВЕ 965 76 LiAZ-5256.23-01 (GolAZ) YaTK 20523 2008
54 М 540 УВ 777 PAZ-320405-04 "Vector Next" AVTOMIG (Yaroslavl) 984 2016