FotobusBus Transport

Ivano-Frankovsk region, Scania CR112 # AT 6917 BK

  Ivano-Frankovsk regionTysmenytsia Raion AT 6917 BK11.2013 ФОП Рибак Михайло Васильович
  Lugansk regionMCHP "Kosmos" 022-70 АО10.2004  
  SwedenBusslink i Sverige AB3112EFH 20901.200010.2000 
Näckrosbuss AB02.199401.2000 
T-Buss AB19????02.1994 
Örebro Trafik AB08.1982  

  November 2013    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  October 2000 — October 2004    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 2000    Renumbered (within the company)

  February 1994    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  ????    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  August 1982    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built Scrp. Remarks
19 BD 3181 (other models) SJ 1931
19 BYW 767 Mercedes-Benz O302-12RÜh Bodens Omnibus 4515 1968
19 AC 617 Mercedes-Benz O302-12RÜh Bodens Omnibus 4515 1968
19 EOM 301 Scania CR111M59 Kalmar Omnibus 1971
19 KDU 111 Scania CR112 Valbo Buss 6 1978
3112 GNT 759 Kutter 9 SJ 955 1984
3112 GNT 759 Kutter 9 Swebus 955 1984
19 HNM 019 Scania CN112CL KKA 1219 1985
19 MLE 665 Scania CN112CLB Kalmar Omnibus 1413 1986
3112 MNO 028 Scania CN112CLB Linjebuss 1299 1986
19 KHT 094 Ajokki Express Vänersborgs Linje 321 / 153 1987
19 MAW 938 Van Hool T8 Alizée 260 Weidermans Buss 12799 1987
19 NLK 093 Säffle EB Trafik 6341 1988
19 NJX 987 Wiima M305 Thygessons Buss 6744 1988
19 OZM 255 Delta Star 501 Gods Esse Trafik 147571 1989
19 NKO 995 Säffle Orusttrafiken 6398 1989
19 NKO 995 Säffle Orusttrafiken 6398 1989
19 PMY 601 Carrus Regal Byberg & Nordins 1120 1992
19 PXK 666 Säffle System 2000 Polarbuss Trafik 7313 11.1992 04.2018
19 MPM 595 Carrus Fifty LKAB 50392 10.1997
19 HYA 990 Setra S319UL Leja-Touring 10126 1998
19 RJO 145 Carrus Star 602 Västra Götaland 9229 2000 Nordia Buss AB (Rönnäng)
19 RWS 994 Carrus Vega L Abramssons Buss 9305 10.2000 10.2013
3112 RNF 307 Scania OmniCity I Keolis 10.2000 06.2015
3112 RNF 307 Scania OmniCity I Busslink 10.2000 06.2015
19 SBS 403 Carrus Star 602 Interbus 9384 2001
19 SBS 403 Carrus Star 602 Strömma Buss 9384 2001
19 STZ 094 Irizar Century II 13,7.37 Weidermans Buss 95173 05.2002
19 WCO 243 Lahti Scala Thygessons Buss 816-04 08.2004 09.2020
3112 XUP 041 Volvo 7700 CNG Veolia Sverige P066317 2006
19 BXH 647 Neoplan P11 N5217/3SHD Starliner C Byberg & Nordins 172 04.2010
19 CLZ 212 Volvo 8700 Alviks Buss P107397 12.2010
19 CPZ 457 Neoplan P12 N5218/3SHDL Starliner L Strömma Buss 368 06.2011
19 SMN 499 MAN A21 Lion's City NL313 CNG Norrbotten 9990 09.2012 Norrbottens Busstrafik AB, Luleå (Citybuss, Boden)
19 SMN 499 MAN A21 Lion's City NL313 CNG Norrbotten 9990 09.2012 Centrala Buss i Norrbotten AB, Piteå (Boden Citybuss)
19 SMN 499 MAN A21 Lion's City NL313 CNG Norrbotten 9990 09.2012 Boden Citybuss AB (Luleå)
19 CYB 545 Automet Sohlberg Buss 2013
3112 UAP 380 MAN A26 Lion's City C NL313-13,68 CNG Keolis 990 02.2013
3112 WOB 60A Volvo 8900BLE Omnibuslinjen Habo P197782 01.2020
19 DEH 50X Altas Tuna 02.2023
19 SJA 202 Altas Taxi Nyox 03.2023