FotobusBus Transport

Finland, Lahti Scala # 261

  FinlandKoiviston Auto Oy261CHR-11706.2019 
Helsingin Bussiliikenne Oy120409.201106.2019

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504 KB

Finland, Lahti, Aleksanterinkatu
Route 3

Monday, March 11, 2024
Author: Eurobus

622 KB

Finland, Hollola, Rantatie
Route 11B

Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Author: joukkoliikenne_8.6


  June 2019    Renumbered (within the company)

331 KB

Finland, Helsinki, Mannerheimintie / Töölönlahdenkatu
Route 40

Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Author: Alex_47


  September 2011    Arrived at the facility

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Other vehicles with the same number:

# Plate Model Facility Ser.# Built
261 RLR-611 Wiima K202 Savonlinja 6241 1985
261 UVJ-661 Wiima M304 Espoon Auto 6344 1986
261 UVJ-661 Wiima M304 Stagecoach Finland 6344 1986
261 JBM-997 Lahti 402 STA 1480 1994
261 AGO-716 Carrus Star 602 Satakunnan 148357 1995
261 GBL-661 Carrus Star 302 Pohjolan Matka 1843 / 46 1997
261 MYF-389 Ikarus EAG E94.13 Nobina Finland 108 2000
261 FFJ-921 Lahti Scala Koskilinjat 492-02 2002
261 ZOF-209 Ikarus EAG E94.09 HelB 132 2002
261 KEF-836 Lahti Scala TKL 926-05 2005
261 CHL-495 Lahti Scala Koskilinjat 851-09 2009
261 LLL-861 Kabus TC-4A4/6450 Koiviston Auto 4200 2010
1204 BPA-280 Säffle 8900LE Veolia Finland S120003 2012
1204 BPA-280 Säffle 8900LE Transdev Finland S120003 2012
261 IMR-652 VDL Citea XLE-145.310 Pohjolan Liikenne 2016
261 XNO-929 Setra S515HD Savonlinja 120334 2016
1204 FOG-474 Scania Citywide LE Suburban Nobina Finland 422641 664 2019