FotobusBus Transport

Vologda region, Delta City S # АЕ 304 35

  Vologda regionCherepovets, commercial (city routes) АЕ 304 352008 Фролов Юрий Николаевич
OOO "Novotrans" АВ 507 3508.200510.2006ИП Суворова Л.Л.
Cherepovets, commercial (city routes) Р 277 МУ 3510.200108.2005 
  FinlandTurun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy141TVX-14111.19842001 

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108 KB

Vologda region, Череповец, улица Гоголя
Route 8 (not on the route)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Author: Сан Саныч

198 KB

Vologda region, Череповец, проспект Победы
Route 10

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Author: Silent alarm


  October 2006 — 2008    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  August 2005    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  2001 — October 2001    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  November 1984    Arrived at the facility

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