FotobusBus Transport

Krasnodar region, Heke JAC HK6120 # С 642 РК 123

  Krasnodar regionOOO "Alphatour" С 642 РК 12311.2015  
  Saint Petersburg"State Transport Leasing Company", PJSC АУ 880 В 4709.201311.2015Госномер транзитный
"Piteravto", withdrawn from service buses5391В 240 СН 4701.201309.2013Грузомобиль
"Lenoblpassagirautotrans", LLC03207.201101.2013Госномер транзитный

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696 KB

Krasnodar region, Геленджик, село Архипо-Осиповка, улица Ленина
Route 555 Краснодар — Геленджик

Saturday, June 18, 2022
Author: Bus_Driver_Paz-3205


  November 2015    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  September 2013    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

  January 2013    Sent to other company (or to the factory)

234 KB

Saint Petersburg, Дибуновская улица

Friday, September 9, 2011
Author: NP


  July 2011    Arrived at the facility

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